Why So Many Startups Fail

    Why So Many Startups Fail

    Starting your own business is every entrepreneur’s dream. You have a brilliant idea, a can-do attitude, and limitless passion. You just know your startup is going to be the next big thing. So why do 90% of startups still fail within the first year? The startup failure rate is staggering, but understanding the top reasons startups crash and burn can help you beat the odds.

    Lack of Market Need

    The number one reason startups fail comes down to one word: demand. Or rather, lack of demand. An estimated 42% of startups fail because there is no market need for their product or service. Founders often get so caught up in their killer idea, they neglect to step back and critically evaluate if anyone would actually pay money for it.

    Before you devote time, money, and effort into developing your big idea, take a step back and scrutinize whether it fulfills a specific market demand. Speak with your target demographic and analyze your competition to determine if there is room in the market. Has someone already created a similar product? Is the market saturated? Getting raw feedback early on can save you from building a prototype no one wants.

    Money Runs Dry

    Second only to lack of market demand, 29% of startups fail because they ran out of cash and could not raise adequate funding. Startups require a lot of capital upfront, but many founders underestimate their true cash needs. Instead of facing facts, they let optimism and egos run wild when creating financial projections.

    Be brutally realistic with your startup costs and funding needs from day one. Detail every expense from research and development to your online marketing budget. Calculate your operating costs, production, licenses, payroll expenses and more. Then be extremely conservative with your revenue forecasts, at least initially. It’s ideal to overestimate costs and underestimate sales. Having surplus working capital from backing sources can mean the difference between startup success or early demise.

    No Effort into Marketing

    You may have an amazing product that meets a genuine customer need, but does anyone know about it? Failing to market, promote and sell your product is essentially a startup death sentence. About 14% of startups fail simply because they cannot attract an audience. If people don’t know your brand exists, how will you ever make sales?

    Before launch, research the most effective techniques to reach your target audience. Strategize how you will drive traffic to your startup’s site and convert visitors into paying customers. Set aside a hefty marketing budget from the get-go and make online visibility a priority. Network with influencers in your space that can help spread the word organically. Refine your messaging and establish your unique value proposition to craft compelling ad campaigns. Put in the sweat equity daily – without marketing momentum, your startup’s fate is sealed.

    The Wrong Team

    No matter how excellent your product, idea or marketing tactics are, nothing will come to fruition without the right founding team. Cohesion issues, founder disputes and lack of commitment are cited reasons for failure by over 8% of startups.

    Choose partners not just for their complementary skill sets, but their similar work ethic and commitment to the startup’s mission. Define clear expectations for each founder’s responsibilities and equity. Foster open communication and regular check-ins as you face the inevitable challenges in getting your startup off the ground.

    Consider each reason startups fail as cautionary tales to guide your own entrepreneurial journey. Learn from the mistakes of others, lay the proper groundwork and dodge the obstacles that cause most startups to falter. With diligence, perseverance and a bit of luck, you can defy the shocking startup failure statistics.